
DLL dosyalarının listesi

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
dosya adı Açıklama
printdialogs.dll İndir
printerport.dll İndir
printfilterpipelineprxy.dll Print Filter Pipeline Proxy İndir
printisolationproxy.dll Print Sandbox COM Proxy Stub İndir
printmanagementprovider.dll Print WMI Provider İndir
printui.dll Printer Settings User Interface İndir
prm.dll Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014.0 İndir
prm0001.dll Microsoft Arabic Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0005.dll Microsoft Czech Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0006.dll Microsoft Danish Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0007.dll Microsoft German Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0008.dll Microsoft Greek Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0009.dll Microsoft English Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm000b.dll Microsoft Finnish Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm000e.dll Microsoft Hungarian Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0013.dll Microsoft Dutch Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0015.dll Microsoft Polish Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm0019.dll Microsoft Russian Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prm001f.dll Microsoft Turkish Natural Language Data and Code İndir
prncache.dll Print UI Cache İndir
prnfldr.dll prnfldr dll İndir
prnntfy.dll prnntfy DLL İndir
prntvpt.dll Print Ticket Services Module İndir
process.dll İndir
processing.ndi.lib.directshow.x86.dll İndir
procinst.dll Processor Class Installer İndir
proddata.dll AutoCAD component İndir
producthelper.dll Product Helper İndir
productinfo.dll İndir
productstatistics.dll İndir
profapi.dll User Profile Basic API İndir
profext.dll profext İndir
profile.dll Microsoft (R) Source Profiler for Windows İndir
profilemgt.dll ProfileM Library İndir
profiler.dll Profiler İndir
profmap.dll Userenv İndir
profprov.dll User Profile WMI Provider İndir
profsvc.dll ProfSvc İndir
profsvcext.dll ProfSvcExt İndir
progressnotificationcommon.dll Citrix Common Progress Notification Dialog DLL (Win32) İndir
projectsupport.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 İndir
propdefs.dll propdefs.dll İndir
propsys.dll Microsoft Property System İndir
protect.dll Host Library İndir
protocolfilters.dll ProtocolFilters İndir
prototype2engine.dll İndir
prototypeenginef.dll Prototype Dynamic Link Library İndir
provcore.dll Microsoft Wireless Provisioning Core İndir
provsvc.dll Windows HomeGroup İndir
provthrd.dll WMI Provider Thread & Log Library İndir