
lista de ficheiros DLL

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Filename Descrição
sbs_mscordbi.dll Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility Descarregar
sbs_mscorrc.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Setup Descarregar
sbs_vsavb7rt.dll Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility Descarregar
sbx.dll 360 Total Security Descarregar
sc.dll Sc Descarregar
scan.dll BitDefender Threat Scanner Descarregar
scan42.dll IObit Library Descarregar
scanobj.dll Scan ModuleScan Object Descarregar
scansetting.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) ScanSettings Profile and Scanning implementation Descarregar
scarddlg.dll SCardDlg Smart Card Common Dialog Descarregar
scardssp.dll Smart Card Base Service Providers Descarregar
scardsvr.dll Smart Card Resource Management Server Descarregar
scavengeui.dll Update Package Cleanup Descarregar
sccbase.dll Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP Descarregar
sccls.dll ClassInstaller DLL for Smart Cards Descarregar
sccore.dll Scripting Components Core (32 bit) Descarregar
sccsccp.dll COMobjekt för Infineon SICRYPT® kryptografiprovider för smartkort Descarregar
scdeviceenum.dll Smart Card Device Enumeration Service Descarregar
scecli.dll Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine Descarregar
scesrv.dll Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine Descarregar
scext.dll Service Control Manager Extension DLL for nonminwin Descarregar
scgmigplugin.dll Microsoft Speech Migration Plugin Descarregar
schannel.dll TLS / SSL Security Provider Descarregar
schedcli.dll Scheduler Service Client DLL Descarregar
schedprov.dll Task Scheduler WMIv2 Provider Descarregar
schedsvc.dll Task Scheduler Service Descarregar
schmmgmt.dll Active Directory Schema MMC Snapin Descarregar
scilexer.dll Scintilla.DLL a Source Editing Component Descarregar
sciter.dll The Sciter Engine: HSMILE core + TIScript Descarregar
sciter-x.dll sciterx.dll embeddable Sciter engine Descarregar
scksp.dll Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider Descarregar
sclgntfy.dll MeddelandeDLLfil för tjänsten Secondary Logon Descarregar
scnpst32.dll Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for ANSI Stores Descarregar
scnpst64.dll Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for UNICODE Stores Descarregar
scosv.dll Komponentresurser för Windows (r) Skript Descarregar
scp32.dll Code Page Translation Library Descarregar
scredir.dll Smart Card Redirection for TS Descarregar
script.dll INF Script Module Descarregar
scripthook.dll GTAIV ScriptHook Descarregar
scriptlayerppro.dll Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 Descarregar
scripto.dll Microsoft ScriptO Descarregar
scriptpw.dll ScriptPW Module Descarregar
scrobj.dll Windows ® Script Component Runtime Descarregar
scrprmv.dll Canon FARELiDE Technology Descarregar
scrptadm.dll Script Adm Extension Descarregar
scrrnsv.dll Microsoft (r) Script Runtime internationella resurser Descarregar
scrrun.dll Microsoft ® Script Runtime Descarregar
scsandboxapi.dll Browser Sandbox SDK Module Descarregar
scscommonclassesx.dll General DLL for SCS Runtime Components Descarregar
scsdiscoveryx.dll ACEDiscovery DLL Descarregar