
Microsoft Corporation DLL 文件

文件名 说明
audmigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin 下载
auinstallagent.dll Windows AllUser Install Agent 下载
authbroker.dll Web Authentication WinRT API 下载
authext.dll Authentication Extensions 下载
authfwcfg.dll Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Configuration Helper 下载
authfwgp.dll Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Group Policy Editor Extension 下载
authfwsnapin.dll Microsoft.WindowsFirewall.SnapIn 下载
authfwsnapin.resources.dll 下载
authfwwizfwk.dll Wizard Framework 下载
authfwwizfwk.resources.dll 下载
authhostproxy.dll Web Authentication Host Proxy 下载
authui.dll Windows Authentication UI 下载
authz.dll Authorization Framework 下载
authzax.dll Microsoft Office Authorization Control 下载
autodisc.dll Windows AutoDiscovery API 下载
autoplay.dll AutoPlay Control Panel 下载
autorun.dll Autorun Wizard Pages 下载
autoworkplacen.dll AutoWorkplace Native Library 下载
autoworkplace.resources.dll 下载
auxiliarydisplayapi.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow API 下载
auxiliarydisplayclassinstaller.dll Class installer for Microsoft Windows SideShowcompatible devices 下载
auxiliarydisplaycpl.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow Control Panel 下载
auxiliarydisplaydriverlib.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow class extension component 下载
auxiliarydisplayenhanceddriver.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow class driver 下载
auxiliarydisplayservices.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow services 下载
avicap32.dll AVI Capture window class 下载
avifil32.dll Microsoft AVI File support library 下载
avmeter.dll Mätkontroller 下载
avrt.dll Multimedia Realtime Runtime 下载
avtapi.dll TAPI 3.0 Nummersändare och visare för IPmulticastkonferenser 下载
avwav.dll Wave Manipulation Component 下载
awcapi32.dll Capabilities Interface 下载
awfxrn32.dll EFAXfilbaserat transportgränssnitt 下载
awkrnl32.dll Kernel Extensions 下载
basebrd.dll Windows Base Branding Resource Dll 下载
basecsp.dll Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider 下载
basesrv.dll Windows NT BASE API Server DLL 下载
batmeter.dll Battery Meter Helper DLL 下载
batt.dll Battery Class Installer 下载
bcd.dll BCD DLL 下载
bcdprov.dll Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider 下载
bcdsrv.dll Boot Configuration Data COM Server 下载
bckg.dll Zone Backgammon Client 下载
bckgres.dll Internet Backgammon Resource DLL 下载
bcp47langs.dll BCP47 Language Classes 下载
bcp47mrm.dll BCP47 Language Classes for Resource Management 下载
bcrypt.dll Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library 下载
bcryptprimitives.dll Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library 下载