
DLL-tiedostojen luettelo

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Tiedostonimi Kuvaus
pshed.dll Platform Specific Hardware Error Driver Lataa
psicon.dll Icons for Adobe Photoshop Lataa
psim.dll PSIM DLL Lataa
psinoav.dll PSINOAV Lataa
psisdecd.dll Microsoft SI/PSI parser for MPEG2 based networks. Lataa
pskalloc.dll Antimalware protection support library Lataa
psmachine.dll Google Update Lataa
psmachine_64.dll Google Update Lataa
psmodulediscoveryprovider.dll WMI Lataa
psmsrv.dll Process State Manager (PSM) Service Lataa
psnppagn.dll DCOM Proxy for NPPAgent Object Lataa
pspluginwkr.dll pspluginwkr.dll Lataa
pspluginwkr-v3.dll pspluginwkrv3.dll Lataa
psregapi.dll Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry API Module Lataa
pstask.dll pstask Task Lataa
pstilldll64.dll pstilldll Lataa
pstorec.dll Deprecated Protected Storage COM interfaces Lataa
pstorsvc.dll Protected storage server Lataa
pstprx32.dll Proxy Store Provider Lataa
psut9532.dll Win95 32BIT Thunk DLL Lataa
psviews.dll Photoshop Resource DLL Lataa
pthread.dll POSIX Threads for Windows32 Library Lataa
pthreadgc2.dll GNU C x86 (mingw32) Lataa
pthreadvc2.dll MS C x86 Lataa
pthreadvce2.dll MS C++ x86 Lataa
ptnedit32.dll phamthuynhan Formated Editor Library Lataa
ptngdi32.dll phamthuynhan GDI System Lataa
ptp.dll Lataa
ptpusd.dll ISO15740 WIA mini driver Lataa
ptpusb.dll WIA PTP proxy Lataa
ptxt9.dll Microsoft Publisher TXT Converter Lataa
public.dll Public Plugin Lataa
publog.dll Lataa
pubole9.dll OLE 2.0 Support DLL Lataa
puiapi.dll puiapi DLL Lataa
puiobj.dll PrintUI Objects DLL Lataa
purchasewindowslicense.dll Purchase Windows License Lataa
purifiera.dll Lataa
purupuru_win32.dll Lataa
pvrtexlib.dll PVRTexLib Extension Lataa
pwlauncher.dll Windows To Go Launcher Lataa
pwmtr32v.dll ThinkPad Power Manager Background Monitor Lataa
pwmtr64v.dll Lenovo Hardware Settings Background Monitor Lataa
pwrshmsg.dll Microsoft PowerShell EventLog Message Dll Lataa
pwrshplugin.dll pwrshplugin.dll Lataa
pwrshsip.dll Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying PowerShell script files (.ps1/.ps1xml) Lataa
pwsdata.dll PWS Data Collector Lataa
pwsso.dll Windows To Go Shell Service Object Lataa
px.dll Px Lataa
pxc_nt.dll Lataa