
Seznam souborů DLL

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Název souboru Popis
sqlceme35.dll Managed Extensions (32bit) Stáhnout
sqlceoledb30.dll Microsoft SQL Mobile Stáhnout
sqlceoledb40.dll OLEDB Provider (32bit) Stáhnout
sqlceqp30.dll Microsoft SQL Mobile Stáhnout
sqlceqp40.dll Query Processor (64bit) Stáhnout
sqlcese30.dll Microsoft SQL Mobile Stáhnout
sqlcese40.dll Storage Engine (32bit) Stáhnout
sqlcipher.dll SQLite is a software library that implements a selfcontained, serverless, zeroconfiguration, transactional SQL database engine. Stáhnout
sqlconf.dll SQL Server Configuration Library Stáhnout
sqldmo.dll Distributed Management Objects OLE DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager Stáhnout
sqlite.dll sqlite Dynamic Link Library Stáhnout
sqlite_qt7.dll Stáhnout
sqlite3.dll SQLite3.dll Stáhnout
sqlite3_extended.dll Stáhnout
sqllib80.dll Oracle PreCompiler Library Stáhnout
sqlmmc.dll SQLMMC SQL Snapin for Microsoft Management Console Stáhnout
sqlmss32.dll Borland Database Engine Stáhnout
sqlncli11.dll Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 Stáhnout
sqloledb.dll OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Stáhnout
sqlresld.dll SQL Enterprise Manager Resource DLL Loader Stáhnout
sqlserverspatial110.dll SQL Server Spatial Library Stáhnout
sqlserverspatial140.dll SQL Server Spatial Library Stáhnout
sqlspars.dll SQL Setup Stáhnout
sqlsrv32.dll Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Stáhnout
sqlsut.dll SQL Setup Utility DLL Stáhnout
sqlunirl.dll String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components Stáhnout
sqlwid.dll Unicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components Stáhnout
sqlwoa.dll Unicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components Stáhnout
sqlxmlx.dll Microsoft XML extensions for SQL Server Stáhnout
sqmapi.dll SQM Client Stáhnout
sqoras32.dll Oracle ODBC Driver for Windows Stáhnout
squall.dll Stáhnout
srchadmin.dll Indexing Options Stáhnout
srchui.dll Search Assistant UI Stáhnout
srclient.dll Microsoft® Windows System Restore Client Library Stáhnout
srcore.dll Microsoft® Windows System Restore Core Library Stáhnout
srevents.dll SrEvents Stáhnout
srh.dll Screen Reader Helper DLL Stáhnout
srhelper.dll Microsoft® Windows driver and windows update enumeration library Stáhnout
srloc.dll Microsoft Speech Recognition Locale Handlers Stáhnout
srm.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Manager Common Library Stáhnout
srm_ps.dll Microsoft® FSRM internal proxy/stub Stáhnout
srmclient.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Client Extensions Stáhnout
srmlib.dll Microsoft (R) File Server Resource Management Interop Assembly Stáhnout
srmscan.dll Microsoft® File Server Storage Reports Scan Engine Stáhnout
srmshell.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Shell Extension Stáhnout
srmstormod.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Office Parser Stáhnout
srmtrace.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Tracing Library Stáhnout
srpapi.dll SRP APIs Dll Stáhnout
srpuxnativesnapin.dll Application Control Policies Group Policy Editor Extension Stáhnout