
Seznam souborů DLL

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Název souboru Popis
pnrpnsp.dll PNRP Name Space Provider Stáhnout
pnrpperf.dll PNRP Performance Counter Provider Stáhnout
pnrpsvc.dll PNRP Service Dll Stáhnout
poco.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries. Stáhnout
pocofoundation.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries. Stáhnout
poconet.dll Stáhnout
poconetssl.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries. Stáhnout
policman.dll Stáhnout
policymanager.dll Policy Manager DLL Stáhnout
policyprobe.dll PolicyProbe Dynamic Library Stáhnout
polstore.dll Policy Storage dll Stáhnout
pops_api.dll Stáhnout
pops_api64.dll Stáhnout
portabledeviceapi.dll Windows Portable Device API Components Stáhnout
portabledeviceclassextension.dll Windows Portable Device Class Extension Component Stáhnout
portabledeviceconnectapi.dll Portable Device Connection API Components Stáhnout
portabledevicestatus.dll Microsoft Windows Portable Device Status Provider Stáhnout
portabledevicesyncprovider.dll Microsoft Windows Portable Device Provider. Stáhnout
portabledevicetypes.dll Windows Portable Device (Parameter) Types Component Stáhnout
portabledevicewiacompat.dll PortableDevice WIA Compatibility Driver Stáhnout
portabledevicewmdrm.dll Windows Portable Device WMDRM Component Stáhnout
portaudio_x86.dll Stáhnout
portio.dll Stáhnout
posnetiplib.dll Stáhnout
potplayer.dll 팟플레이어 Stáhnout
pots.dll Power Troubleshooter Stáhnout
powercpl.dll Power Options Control Panel Stáhnout
powermigplugin.dll Power Migration Plugin Stáhnout
powershell_ise.resources.dll Stáhnout
powerwmiprovider.dll Power WMI providers Stáhnout
powrprof.dll Power Profile Helper DLL Stáhnout
ppcore.dll Microsoft PowerPoint Stáhnout
ppcsnap.dll ppcsnap DLL Stáhnout
pperr.dll PaperPort Utilities Library Stáhnout
ppintl.dll Microsoft Office PowerPoint Stáhnout
pr3240.dll Netscape 32bit Portable Runtime Stáhnout
prem.dll Adobe After Effects CC 2019 Stáhnout
presentationcffrasterizernative_v0300.dll WinFX OpenType/CFF Rasterizer Stáhnout
presentationcore.dll PresentationCore.dll Stáhnout
presentationframework.dll PresentationFramework.dll Stáhnout PresentationFramework.Aero.dll Stáhnout
presentationhostproxy.dll Windows Presentation Foundation Host Proxy Stáhnout
presentationnative_v0300.dll PresentationNative_v0300.dll Stáhnout
presentationnative_v0400.dll PresentationNative_v0400.dll Stáhnout
prflbmsg.dll Perflib Event Messages Stáhnout
primosdk.dll Primo Software Development Kit Stáhnout
printbrmps.dll Print Backup Recovery Migration Proxy Stáhnout
printcom.dll Print System COM component host Stáhnout
printconfig.dll واجهة مستخدم PrintConfig Stáhnout
printcontrol.dll Crystal Print Control Stáhnout