
Senarai fail DLL

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Nama FileName Penerangan
ole2nls.dll Muat turun
ole32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Muat turun
oleacc.dll Active Accessibility Core Component Muat turun
oleacchooks.dll Active Accessibility Event Hooks Library Muat turun
oleaccrc.dll Active Accessibility Resource DLL Muat turun
oleaut32.dll OLEAUT32.DLL Muat turun
olecli.dll Muat turun
olecli32.dll Object Linking and Embedding Client Library Muat turun
olecnv32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Muat turun
oledb32.dll OLE DB Core Services Muat turun
oledb32r.dll OLE DB Core Services Resources Muat turun
oledlg.dll OLE User Interface Support Muat turun
oleprn.dll Oleprn DLL Muat turun
olepro32.dll Muat turun
oleres.dll Ole resource dll Muat turun
olesvr.dll Muat turun
olesvr32.dll Object Linking and Embedding Server Library Muat turun
olethk32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Muat turun
olkfstub.dll Outlook Shell Hook for Start/Find Muat turun
olmapi32.dll Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT Muat turun
omadmapi.dll omadmapi Muat turun
omdproject.dll Windows DVD Maker Muat turun
omfc.dll Microsoft Office MFC Muat turun
omnitracking.dll Omnitracking library Muat turun
oncorefoundation8.dll ONCoreFoundation Muat turun
ondemandconnroutehelper.dll On Demand Connctiond Route Helper Muat turun
onedrivesettingsyncprovider.dll OneDrive Setting Sync Muat turun
onex.dll IEEE 802.1X supplicant library Muat turun
onexui.dll IEEE 802.1X supplicant UI library Muat turun
onix32.dll Onix Lextek International Muat turun
onlineclient.dll Backup Now EZ Module Muat turun
onlineidcpl.dll Online IDs Control Panel Muat turun
ontology.dll Application Ontology library Muat turun
oo2core_4_win64.dll Muat turun
oo2core_5_win64.dll Muat turun
oo2core_6_win64.dll Muat turun
oo2core_7_win64.dll Muat turun
oo2core_8_win64.dll Muat turun
oobefldr.dll Getting Started Muat turun
op14codec.dll GeoVision(R) Codec Muat turun
opclib.dll OPCLib Muat turun
opcservices.dll Native Code OPC Services Library Muat turun
openal32.dll Standard OpenAL(TM) Implementation Muat turun
openal64.dll Muat turun
opencl.dll OpenCL Client DLL Muat turun
opencolorio.dll Muat turun
opencv_calib3d249.dll Muat turun
opencv_core220.dll Muat turun
opencv_core249.dll Muat turun
opencv_core320.dll opencv_core320 Muat turun