
Fail DLL dari Microsoft Corporation

Nama FileName Penerangan
msxml6r.dll XML Resources Muat turun
msxmlr.dll XML Resources for Win32 Muat turun
msxpspcl6.dll XPS to PCL6 Print Pipeline Filter Muat turun
msxpsps.dll XPS to PS Print Pipeline Filter Muat turun
msyuv.dll Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor Muat turun
mtdsr.dll MT Designer Muat turun
mtf.dll MTF.DYNLINK"" Muat turun
mtfserver.dll Microsoft IME Muat turun
mtfutils.dll Microsoft IME Muat turun
mtxclu.dll Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Failover Clustering Support DLL Muat turun
mtxdm.dll COM+ Muat turun
mtxex.dll COM+ Muat turun
mtxlegih.dll COM+ Muat turun
mtxoci.dll Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Database Support DLL for Oracle Muat turun
muifontsetup.dll MUI Callback for font registry settings Muat turun
muilanguagecleanup.dll MUI Callback for Language pack cleanup Muat turun
muweb.dll Microsoft Update Web Control Muat turun
mxdwdrv.dll Microsoft XPS Document Writer Muat turun
mxdwdui.dll Microsoft XPS Document Writer Resource Muat turun
mxeagent.dll MXE Agent Muat turun
mycomput.dll Computer Management Muat turun
mydocs.dll My Documents Folder UI Muat turun
nac.dll Microsoft Internet Audio NAC DLL Muat turun
name.dll Name ActiveX Control Muat turun
napcrypt.dll NAP Cryptographic API helper Muat turun
napdsnap.dll NAP GPEdit Extension Muat turun
naphlpr.dll NAP client config API helper Muat turun
napinsp.dll Email Naming Shim Provider Muat turun
napipsec.dll NAP IPSec Enforcement Client Muat turun
napmontr.dll NAP Netsh Helper Muat turun
narrator.resources.dll Muat turun
narrhook.dll Tangentbords och WinEventanslutning för Microsoft Skärmläsaren Muat turun
nativehooks.dll Microsoft Narrator Native hook handler Muat turun
nativerd.dll Native Code Configuration Reader Muat turun
naturallanguage6.dll Natural Language Development Platform 6 Muat turun
ncaapi.dll Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant API Muat turun
ncasvc.dll Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant Service Muat turun
ncbservice.dll Network Connection Broker Muat turun
ncdautosetup.dll Network Connected Devices AutoSetup service DLL Muat turun
ncdprop.dll Advanced network device properties Muat turun
nci.dll CoInstaller: NET Muat turun
ncobjapi.dll Muat turun
ncprov.dll NonCOM WMI Event Provision APIs Muat turun
ncrypt.dll Windows NCrypt Router Muat turun
ncryptprov.dll Microsoft KSP Muat turun
ncryptsslp.dll Microsoft SChannel Provider Muat turun
ncryptui.dll Windows cryptographic key protection UI library Muat turun
ncsi.dll Network Connectivity Status Indicator Muat turun