
File DLL dari Microsoft Corporation

nama file Deskripsi
6to4svc.dll Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. Unduh
aaaamon.dll Aaaa Monitor DLL Unduh
aaclient.dll Anywhere access client Unduh
aadauthhelper.dll Microsoft® AAD Auth Helper Unduh
aadcloudap.dll AAD Cloud AP Plugin Unduh
aadjcsp.dll AADJCSP Unduh
aadtb.dll AAD Token Broker Helper Library Unduh
abovelockapphost.dll AboveLockAppHost Unduh
acadproc.dll Windows Compatibility DLL Unduh
accessibility.dll .NET Framework Unduh
accessibilitycpl.dll Ease of access control panel Unduh .NET Framework Unduh
acctres.dll Microsoft Internet Account Manager Resources Unduh
accwiz.dll Microsoft Access Wizard Controls Unduh
acedao.dll Microsoft Access database engine Data Access Object Library Unduh
acgenral.dll Windows Compatibility DLL Unduh
aclayers.dll Windows Compatibility DLL Unduh
acledit.dll Access Control List Editor Unduh
aclua.dll Windows Compatibility DLL Unduh
aclui.dll Security Descriptor Editor Unduh
acmigration.dll Compatibility Upgrade Migration Host Unduh
acppage.dll Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library Unduh
acprgwiz.dll Application Compatibility Program Wizard Unduh
acproxy.dll Autochk Proxy DLL Unduh
acres.dll Application Compatibility Resource File Unduh
acspecfc.dll Windows Compatibility DLL Unduh
actioncenter.dll Security and Maintenance Unduh
actioncentercpl.dll Security and Maintenance Control Panel Unduh
actionqueue.dll Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor Unduh
activecontentwizard.dll Active Content Wizard Unduh
activeds.dll DLL de la couche de routage AD Unduh
actxprxy.dll ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library Unduh
acverfyr.dll Windows Application Verifier DLL Unduh
acwow64.dll Windows Compatibility for 32bit Apps on Win64 Unduh
acxtrnal.dll Windows Compatibility DLL Unduh
adammigrate.dll Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services migration plugin Unduh
adfsmig.dll ADFS Migration Plugin dll Unduh
adhapi.dll AD harvest sites and subnets API Unduh
adhsvc.dll AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service Unduh
admexs.dll IIS AdminEx sample DLL Unduh
admin.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions Unduh
admparse.dll IEAK Global Policy Template Parser Unduh
admtmpl.dll Administrative Templates Extension Unduh
admwprox.dll IIS Admin Com API Proxy dll Unduh
admxprox.dll IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll Unduh
adodb.dll Unduh
adomdclient.dll ADOMD.NET Unduh
adonetdiag.dll .NET Framework Unduh