
Microsoft Corporation DLL-tiedostot

Tiedostonimi Kuvaus
system.drawing.dll .NET Framework Lataa
system.enterpriseservices.dll Microsoft .NET Services Support Infrastructure Lataa
system.enterpriseservices.thunk.dll Microsoft .NET Services Native Thunks Lataa
system.enterpriseservices.wrapper.dll Microsoft .NET Services Native Thunks Lataa
systemeventsbrokerclient.dll system Events Broker Client Library Lataa
systemeventsbrokerserver.dll System Events Broker Lataa System.IO.Compression Lataa .NET Framework Lataa System.Net.Http Lataa
system.numerics.dll System.Numerics Lataa
systemresetosupdatesagent.dll Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for Operating System Updates Migration Lataa
systemresetsso.dll Windows System Reset Platform SSO Lataa
system.resources.dll .NET Framework Lataa
system.runtime.interopservices.dll System.Runtime.InteropServices Lataa
system.serviceprocess.dll .NET Framework Lataa
systemsettingsadminflowui.dll System Settings Admin Flow XAML UI Implementation Lataa
systemsettingsdatabase.dll System Settings Database Implementation Lataa
systemsettings.datamodel.dll SystemSettings.Datamodel private API Lataa
systemsettings.deviceencryptionhandlers.dll Device Encryption Setting Handlers Lataa
systemsettings.handlers.dll System settings common handler group Lataa
system.web.extensions.dll System.Web.Extensions.dll Lataa .NET Framework Lataa .NET Framework Lataa
system.workflowservices.dll System.WorkflowServices.dll Lataa
system.xml.dll .NET Framework Lataa
t2embed.dll Microsoft T2Embed Font Embedding Lataa
tabbtn.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Buttons Component Lataa
tabbtnex.dll Microsoft Tablet PC Extended Buttons Component Lataa
tabletextservicemig.dll TableTextService Migration DLL Lataa
tabletoc.dll Tablet PC Component Lataa
tabsvc.dll Microsoft Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service Lataa
tapi3.dll Microsoft TAPI3 Lataa
tapi32.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL Lataa
tapilua.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Phone And Modem Lua Elevation Dll Lataa
tapimigplugin.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) TAPI Migration Plugin Dll Lataa
tapiperf.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Performance Monitor Lataa
tapisrv.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server Lataa
tapisysprep.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Sysprep Work Lataa
tapiui.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API UI DLL Lataa
taskbarcpl.dll Taskbar Control Panel Lataa
taskcomp.dll Task Scheduler Backward Compatibility Plugin Lataa
taskschd.dll Task Scheduler COM API Lataa
taskschdps.dll Task Scheduler Interfaces Proxy Lataa
tbs.dll TBS Lataa
tbssvc.dll TBS Service Lataa
tcp2udp.dll TCP to UDP Bridge Lataa
tcpipcfg.dll Network Configuration Objects Lataa
tcpipsetup.dll TCPIP Network Setup Plugin Lataa